This blog post gives GOOD advice, less about marketing and more about being efficient and effective. However, you can apply this to your marketing efforts as well.
Anyone who knows me knows I am a project manager. My staff has no doubt because I come into our team meetings with colored sharpie markers and colored sticky pads applicable to each person. Brad and my family have lived with this trait of mine for years with our kitchen wipe board calendar. But, when something works, why change it? What am I talking about? Creating lists and identifying ownership helps to get things DONE! At least it helps me to juggle a business, a family, a marriage and a personal life efficiently and effectively.
So here is an example of my day… In the morning, I review my “personal” and my “business” checklist on my phone. Why not on paper? Actually, I have multiple pads of paper too. I use my phone because it is always on me so when something comes up in my head while I am driving, watching TV or in the office, I can add it to my checklist. Cozi is a great app because the family can add anything they need onto the grocery or target checklist and it is shared so I can reference it when I am at the store. If it isn’t on the list, I don’t get it. There is also a list on Cozi for “To Dos” which I use to keep track of things that need to get done either today or by the end of the year even. This way, I can review it and move the “To Dos” around based on priority. Same is true with our calendar. Everyone has a color. This way when I glance at the calendar in our kitchen, I know who and what has an event that day so I can prioritize my schedule.
So back to the morning review of the checklist. In 10 seconds I can see what is a priority and what can wait until the next day. This is when I create my THREE To Dos for the day. These are the THREE things that HAVE to get done today. Some days there seem to be more or less but then there is always that one thing that keeps getting put off. This is the NUMBER ONE thing that needs to get done first! Some efficiency videos or blogs will say to do the easy and quick stuff first and then do the big thing so you feel productive. I have found that it is always that ONE BIG THING that I avoid and push off even after I get the easy and quick stuff done. Watch this “Time Management” video we shared with our staff during our 2020 in-office training. He gives great recommendations on how to be more efficient and effective with your time.
Now, here is the GOOD Marketing Advice… make one of your three things a marketing effort to grow your business. It could be writing a blog or social media post. Maybe it is reviewing your website as your target audience so you are confident it represents your company as you expect. Another suggestion is to research online marketing tips to grow your business (like reading Good Marketing Group’s Tuesday Tips). If you don’t have a lot of time that day, make the ONE thing doing the research and the next day your ONE thing is to read what you found. Don’t forget your staff. If you find a marketing tip that is applicable to your staff, share it with them. This is a form of marketing because you are sharing “ownership” of a marketing idea that they can implement on the front lines with your prospective customers.
And finally, don’t forget to CROSS IT OFF! Whether it is a highlighter or a red pen or swiping and clicking “delete,” the action of CROSSING IT OFF feels productive!
But wait, there’s more… don’t end the day without creating your TOP THREE for tomorrow. Yes, do it the day before so you wake up in the morning prepared to tackle your TOP THREE, especially that ONE.
GOOD luck and have a productive day!