by goodmarketinggroup | May 12, 2022
Room: TBD CEU Type: .5 CEU Speaker: Shannon Good Reviews don’t have to be scary. Most are encouraging and can be used to grow your company, even the bad ones. There are many resources available to business owners to help manage their online reputation and many of them...
by goodmarketinggroup | May 11, 2022
Join GMG at MAHPBA in Lancaster, PA on May 16-18 for MAHPBApalooza 2022. We will be exhibiting, teaching and attending this year’s conference. This year’s event features renowned speakers, dozens of exhibitors, a networking reception, and our famous cornhole...
by Brad Good | Feb 26, 2019 | Marketing Advice, Uncategorized
For this ‘Tuesday Tip’, I incorporated a little help from my late father, Gilbert Kipp Good II. He wrote an article for our newsletter back in 2005 on the timeless subject of customer perception. I’ve taken some of his advice and added some...
by Good Marketing Group | Jan 29, 2019 | Marketing Advice, Uncategorized
In Marketing, we have this term called “A/B Testing.” Basically, it’s when you send one person a bit of language (let’s call that “A”) but send another person a variation (“B”) of that. Or similarly, you might change the creative approach overall, or expand a data...
by Brad Good | May 22, 2018 | Uncategorized, What's Good
Good Marketing Group will be Teaching, Exhibiting and Attending the 2018 MAHPBA Annual Conference CLASSES: MONDAY June 4 @ 8:00 am – 9:00 am EDT Creative Ideas on Marketing Indoor & Outdoor Living Spaces Shannon Good Click Here to Learn More...