by Harrison Turner | May 9, 2023 | Advertising, Direct Mail, Emails, Google, Marketing Advice, Operations, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Optimizing SEO & Keywords For Your Business What is SEO & what does it do? Today’s Tuesday tip is about SEO and keywords. Let’s start off with what SEO is in the first place. SEO (also known as Search Engine Optimization) is made up of different...
by goodmarketinggroup | May 2, 2023 | Advertising, Direct Mail, Emails, Google, Marketing Advice, Operations, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
5 Reasons Your Business Should Use Videos in Your Social Media Strategy What is the benefit of creating video content? Video content is a great way to provide your audience with informative, creative, and comprehensive messaging. While it might be out of your comfort...
by Brad Good | Apr 25, 2023 | Advertising, Direct Mail, Emails, Google, Marketing Advice, Operations, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
A Return To Normal Change your thinking and strategize your marketing efforts. There’s a lot of fear about buying habits and customer discernment before they decide to make a purchase. The truth is, we’ve all been a little spoiled after the pandemic. For a while, it...
by Shannon Good | Apr 30, 2020 | Advertising, Social Media
How COVID-19 has affected advertising & marketing, and how you can grow your company during these unprecedented times. STATISTICS* • 69% of brands expect to decrease ad spend in 2020.• 74% of brands surveyed are posting less on their company social accounts at...
by Good Marketing Group | Apr 7, 2020 | Advertising, Uncategorized
As we’re currently in the thick of the Coronavirus pandemic, if you’re not a “life-sustaining” business, you’re trying to figure out how to do business when people aren’t supposed to leave their house. One of the answers, of course, is an online store. If you...