by Shannon Good | Mar 14, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Did you go to HPBExpo? Here are some tips for after the show marketing! Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s what to do. After a GOOD conference and trade show it is easy to get overwhelmed with all of the new knowledge that you have aquired. Now is the time to share it...
by goodmarketinggroup | Mar 6, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Graphic Design Tips for Beginners and Non-Designers! Keep it simple! The MOST important part of creating a successful design is knowing how to self-edit your work. By keeping your visual designs simple with 1 or 2 popular font choices, relative imagery, and...
by Shannon Good | Feb 27, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Hashtags – Searchable Content You Might Not Be Taking Advantage Of! How do I use Hashtags? A hashtag is a type of keyword. You can search by hashtag terms in Google and other search engines, not just social media. Just like any other search, the most relevant...
by Brad Good | Feb 22, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Google Analytics 4 – The Next-Generation Website Traffic Measurement Solution What does this mean for my website? Google Analytics 4 is the next-generation website traffic measurement solution. The Old Universal Analytics is being phased out this year. On July...
by Brad Good | Feb 7, 2023 | Marketing Advice, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Approved Terminology Is Changing For Businesses What does this mean for my business? Approved Terminology in social posts, advertising, and your business profiles is changing. This includes words that describe your certification! Be prepared to provide business...
by Alex White | Jan 24, 2023 | Marketing Advice, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Your SEO Follows A Chain Of Command How does this work on my website? When putting text on your website think of it like a little army of content. Your headlines have different ranks; 1 through 6. Rank 1 is your generals. There should be one per page and they sit at...