by goodmarketinggroup | May 2, 2023 | Advertising, Direct Mail, Emails, Google, Marketing Advice, Operations, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
5 Reasons Your Business Should Use Videos in Your Social Media Strategy What is the benefit of creating video content? Video content is a great way to provide your audience with informative, creative, and comprehensive messaging. While it might be out of your comfort...
by Brad Good | Apr 25, 2023 | Advertising, Direct Mail, Emails, Google, Marketing Advice, Operations, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
A Return To Normal Change your thinking and strategize your marketing efforts. There’s a lot of fear about buying habits and customer discernment before they decide to make a purchase. The truth is, we’ve all been a little spoiled after the pandemic. For a while, it...
by Shannon Good | Apr 18, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
GOOD Tips To Manage Your Client Reviews! How should I be managing my client’s reviews? Reviews, both positive and negative, can be time-consuming to manage and, therefore, easily put on the back burner. In reality, they can be an overlooked asset to your...
by Alex White | Apr 10, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Tips To Create A Logo Or Redesign Your Current Logo. What goes into the design process for a logo? If you are looking to create or redesign your current logo there are a few things to consider in the design process. You will need to take into consideration logo...
by Doug Richardson | Mar 28, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
The Importance Of Defining Standard Definitions In The Hearth Industry. Why is this important for your website and communicating with your customers? Communication is key when defining the various types, styles and fuels of hearth appliances. You can ask 10 different...
by goodmarketinggroup | Mar 21, 2023 | Google, Marketing Advice, Social Media, Tuesday Tips, Web Development
Do You Want To Start Promoting Your Business On Social Media? Not sure where to start? Starting your social media journey can be daunting. How many times a week should you be posting for your business? What type of content should you be posting? How do you know if...